rkgrep / attributable by rkgrep

Fast an elegant way to make dynamic objects
Package Data
Maintainer Username: rkgrep
Maintainer Contact: 1@grep.su (Roman Kinyakin)
Package Create Date: 2015-05-08
Package Last Update: 2015-06-27
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-04 03:08:42
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 36
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 3
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0


Build Status Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License SensioLabsInsight

Note: Original idea by Taylor Otwell in Laravel Framework.

The package includes traits which allow fluent and elegant way to work with internal object property arrays.


Install the package with composer.

composer require rkgrep/attributable

Apply the trait to any class you need.

class Foo {
    use rkgrep\Attributable;
class Bar {
    use rkgrep\Fillable;


Attributable trait

Attributable provides different access and assignment ways.

Assign internal variables via property or method call

$foo->var1 = 1;

Access variables via property

echo $foo->var1;
echo $foo->var2;

Provide fallback value via get method

$foo->get('var4', 'fallback');
$foo->get('var5', function() { return 'closure result'; });

Get all internal variables via getAttributes method

$all = $foo->getAttributes();

Method call without arguments assigns true

true == $foo->viewable;

Chain methods for fast assignment


Fillable trait

Fillable provides chaining assignment of variables or groups of variables.

Mass assign atributes with fill method

$user->fill(['name' => 'Admin', 'email' => 'admin@example.com']);

Overwrite or reassign control via second parameter

$user->fill(['name' => 'John Doe']); // Name changed, email remains untouched
$user->fill(['email' => 'other@example.com'], false); // Disabled merging - old values are dropped

Fill specific properties with with method

$user->with('password', md5('password'));

Prevent overriding with third parameter

$user->with('password', '', false); // Password remains untouched

Assign multiple variables

$user->with(['friends' => ['Mike', 'Dave'], 'girlfriend' => 'Jane']);
$user->with(['siblings' => [], 'girlfriend' => 'Mary'], null, false); // Overriding disabled - only siblings are touched

Chain method calls

$post->fill(['title' => 'Lorem Ipsum'])->with('views', 5)->with('likes', 3);


Any class with Attributable trait applied implements ArrayAccess and JsonSerializable. If you use illuminate/support package you can also apply Arrayable and Jsonable interfaces.

class Bar implements ArrayAccess, JsonSerializable, Arrayable, Jsonable {

    use rkgrep\Attributable;


$bar = new Bar();

$arrayValue = $bar['value'];
$bar['value'] = 'new';
$json = json_encode($bar); // returns '{"value": "new"}'

$array = $bar->toArray();
$json = $bar->toJson();


Attributable package is open-sourced package licensed under the MIT license.