rkgrep / laravel-locales by rkgrep

Locale management package for Laravel.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: rkgrep
Maintainer Contact: 1@grep.su (Roman Kinyakin)
Package Create Date: 2015-06-27
Package Last Update: 2015-11-16
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-26 15:02:42
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 496
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 0
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0

Laravel locales

A missing package for locale management.


You can install Locales using composer. Only *dev-master * version is currently available.

composer require rkgrep/locales:dev-master@dev

Enable the service provider in your application config (app.php)

// ...


// ...


Basic Locales configuation is located in locales.php config file. You can use artisan vendor:publish command to copy default config to your app config path.

Locales currently supports 3 ways of storing configured locales: config, database and eloquent.

Set the preferred one to driver key.

// ...

'driver' => 'database',

// ...

Config driver

Config driver uses locales.php to list available locales. English locale is configured by default.

Each locale should have an unique key defining its main code type used in your app. E. g. an ISO 639‑1 two-letter code. Other locale codes ay be defined in locales array. Human-readable locale names may be defined in names array, where native and i18n are recommended to be always present.

// ...

'en' => [
    'locales' => ['en', 'en_US', 'en-US', 'en-us', 'eng', 'English', 1033],
    'names' => [
        'native' => 'English',
        'i18n' => 'English (US)'
'ru' => [
    'locales' => ['ru', 'ru_RU', 'ru-RU', 'ru-ru', 'rus', 'Russian', 1049],
    'names' => [
        'native' => 'Русский',
        'i18n' => 'Russian'

// ...

Database driver

Database driver uses a table to store locales and their values.

The table name is configured in locales.php in table key.

// ...

'table' => 'locales',

// ...

You can add a base migration to your application with artisan locales:table command. It uses configured table name, so you don't need to check it. Note that the command does not dump composer autoloads so you should run composer dump-autoload for the migration to work.

The base schema does not use autoincrementable field. Instead it has a code column as a primary key.

Eloquent driver

Eloquent driver returns a locale model instance so it can be further connected to other models via relations and customized as any other model.

Provide model key to your locales.php to change the default model class.

// ...

'model' => \rkgrep\Locales\EloquentLocale::class,

// ...


The service provider stores a Manager at locales service key in your app. You can get it anywhere by calling app('locales') helper.

Retrieving active locale

The active locale is resolved frop getLocale() method of the application. If the provided key is not available, the manager tries to get a fallback locale.

$locale = app('locales')->active(); // A Locale contract or null is returned.

You can also use rkgrep\Locales\Contracts\Locale typehint to get an active locale via dependency injection

use rkgrep\Locales\Contracts\Locale;

// ...

public function getIndex(Locale $locale)
    // Your controller

Retrieving locale by code

Use retrieveByCode method to get a locale.

$english = app('locales')->retrieveByCode('en');

Retrieving a list of locales

Use getList method to get a lias of codes or names keyed by codes.

$codes = app('locales')->getList(); // ['en' => 'en', 'ru' => 'ru]
$native = app('locales')->getList('names.native'); // ['en' => 'English (US)', 'ru' => 'Русский']

Using a locale

Every driver returns an rkgrep\Locales\Contracts\Locale interface implementation.


Locales package is open-sourced package licensed under the MIT license.