rmasters / culpa by rmasters

Adds Blameable support to Eloquent models in Laravel
Package Data
Maintainer Username: rmasters
Maintainer Contact: ross@rossmasters.com (Ross Masters)
Package Create Date: 2013-06-25
Package Last Update: 2015-10-31
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-06 15:09:33
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 2,142
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Total Stars: 24
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Total Forks: 9
Total Open Issues: 7

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Blameable extension for Laravel's Eloquent ORM models. This extension automatically adds references to the authenticated user when creating, updating or soft-deleting a model.


This package works with PHP 5.3 and above, but includes traits to make it easier to use on PHP 5.4+.

To install the package in your project:

  1. Add to the require section of your composer.json: "rmasters/culpa": "dev-master",
  2. Run composer update,
  3. Add to the providers list in config/app.php: "Culpa\CulpaServiceProvider",
  4. Publish the configuration to your application: artisan config:publish rmasters/culpa


You can add auditable fields on a per-model basis by adding a protected property and a model observer. The property $blameable contains events you wish to record - at present this is restricted to created, updated and deleted - which function the same as Laravel's timestamps.

class Comment extends Eloquent {

    protected $blameable = array('created', 'updated', 'deleted');
  • On create, the authenticated user will be set in created_by_id,
  • On create and update, the authenticated user will be set in updated_by_id,
  • Additionally, if the model is soft-deletable, the authenticated user will be set in deleted_by_id.

To activate the automatic updating of these fields, you need to add the model observer to this model:

class Comment extends Eloquent {

    // ...

Comment::observe(new Culpa\BlameableObserver);

The names of the columns used can be changed by passing an associative array of event names to columns:

protected $blameable = array(
    'created' => 'author_id',
    'updated' => 'revised_by_id'

You will need to add these fields to your migrations for the model (unsigned integer fields with foreign keys as appropriate), and add accessors to your model:

class Comment extends Eloquent {

    public function createdBy() {
        return $this->belongsTo('User');


If you're using PHP 5.4 or above, you can take advantage of the provided traits to add these methods automatically (Culpa\CreatedBy, Culpa\UpdatedBy, Culpa\DeletedBy).

Changing the user source

The culpa::users.active_user config should yield a function that returns a user id, or null if there is no user authenticated.

'users' => [

    // The default implementation:
    'active_user' => function() {
        return Auth::check() ? Auth::user()->id : null;

    // or, for Sentry2 integration:
    'active_user' => function() {
        return Sentry::check() ? Sentry::getUser()->id : null;

Changing the user class

By default, the fields will relate to User - this can be configured as so in the package configuration file:

'users' => array(

    // Use the Sentry2 user model
    'classname' => 'Cartalyst\Sentry\Users\Eloquent\User'



Culpa is released under the MIT License.