Laravel API/Scaffold/CRUD Generator from just one command with including Controller, Repository, Model, Migrations, routes.php update.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: rohinigeeks
Maintainer Contact: (Rohinigeeks)
Package Create Date: 2015-03-17
Package Last Update: 2015-04-18
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Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-09 03:03:13
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Total Downloads: 135
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Laravel API/Scaffold/CRUD Generator (Laravel5)

Total Downloads

Laravel Sorcery generates boilerplate code for a Laravel Web App from the MySQL Schema

This command Generator generates following things:

  • Migration File
  • Model
  • Repository (optional)
  • Controller
  • View
    • index.blade.php
    • show.blade.php
    • create.blade.php
    • edit.blade.php
    • fields.blade.php
  • updates routes.php

Here is the full documentation.

Steps to Get Started

  1. Add this package to your composer.json:

     "require": {
         "rohinigeeks/laravel-sorcery": "dev-master"
  2. Run composer update

     composer update
  3. Add the ServiceProviders to the providers array in config/app.php. As we are using these two packages illuminate/html & laracasts/flash as a dependency. so we need to add those ServiceProviders as well.


Also for convenience, add these facades in alias array in config/app.php.

	'Form'  => 'Illuminate\Html\FormFacade',
	'HTML'  => 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlFacade',
	'Flash' => 'Laracasts\Flash\Flash'
  1. Publish generator.php

     php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Rohinigeeks\Generator\GeneratorServiceProvider'
  2. Fire the artisan command to generate API for Model, or to generate scaffold with views for web applications

     php artisan rohinigeeks.generator:api ModelName
     php artisan rohinigeeks.generator:scaffold ModelName


     php artisan rohinigeeks.generator:api Project
     php artisan rohinigeeks.generator:api Post
     php artisan rohinigeeks.generator:scaffold Project
     php artisan rohinigeeks.generator:scaffold Post
  3. And You are ready to go. :)


Generator Config file

Config file (config/generator.php) contains path for all generated files

path_migration - Path where Migration file to ge generated path_model - Path where Model file to ge generated path_repository - Path where Repository file to ge generated path_controller - Path where Controller file to ge generated path_views - Path where views will be created path_request - Path where request file will be created path_routes - Path of routes.php (if you are using any custom routes file)

namespace_model - Namespace of Model namespace_repository - Namespace of Repository namespace_controller - Namespace of Controller namespace_request - Namespace for Request

Field Input

Here is the input for the fields by which you can specify Input.




Parameters will be in the same sequence as Blueprint class function for all types. Option will be printed as it is given in input except unique & primary.

API Response Structure

Remember: This response structure is based on the most of my API response structure, you can change it to your API response after file generation in controller.


        "message":"success message",

data can be anything as per response.


        "message":"failure message",
        "code": 0

data will be optional. And code will be error code.

Generated Views

While generating scaffold, all views are created with basic CRUD functionality. (currently delete is not working)

Views will be created in resources/views/modelName folder,

    index.blade.php - Main Index file for listing records
    create.blade.php - To insert a new record
    edit.blade.php - To edit a record
    fields.blade.php - Common file of all model fields, which will be used create and edit record
    show.blade.php - To display a record


This API Generator was forked from laravel-api-generator created by

  1. Jamison Valenta
  2. Mitul Golakiya.
  3. [Bernhard Breytenbach] (


Command Execution

![Image of Command Execution] (

Generated Files & routes.php

![Image of Generated Files] (

Migration File

![Image of Migration File] (

Model File

![Image of Model File] (

Repository File

![Image of Repository File] (

Controller File

![Image of Controller File] (

View Files

![Image of View Files] (