rpsimao / invoicexpress-api by rpsimao

Laravel Package to interact with InvoiceXpress API
Package Data
Maintainer Username: rpsimao
Maintainer Contact: ricardo.simao@upgrade.pt (Ricardo Simão)
Package Create Date: 2017-07-24
Package Last Update: 2019-05-31
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-21 03:04:54
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Laravel InvoiceXpress API

Laravel package to interact with InvoiceXpress API

Tested with Laravel 5.5.*

Table of Contents

1 - Installation

Via Composer

$ composer require rpsimao/invoicexpress-api

In your config/app.php, register Providers and the Facade (Not needed for Laravel 5.5 upwards)

'providers' => [



'aliases' => [


'InvoiceXpressClients' =>  rpsimao\InvoiceXpressAPI\InvoiceXpressAPIFacade::class,


1.1 - Publish configuration

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=ivxapi-config

In the configuration file, all the API endpoints are accessible, so for example you need to generate an invoice PDF:


All endpoints are generic like: 'api/pdf/{invoice-id}.xml', so there is a helper function for replacing the generic endpoint with the real value:

endpoint_replace(['the-real-value'], config(invoicexpress.enpoints.invoice.generate_pdf));

The first argument MUST be an array, and the number of the itens to replace, must match the items to be replaced in the endpoint. If not an exception is raised, and a fatal error is thrown.

1.2 - Migrations

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=ivxapi-migrations
$ php artisan migrate

2 - Configuration

Add to your .env file your API Key and Account name


These will be read by the config file:


'api_key'      => env('INVOICEXPRESS_API_KEY'),
'account_name' => env('INVOICEXPRESS_ACCOUNT_NAME'),


If you do not want to put your API key in the .env file, or prefer to get it on every request, you can call the getAPIKey() method. This way you can change the API key in your account frequently and not need to update the app.

In the config file invoicexpress, there are 2 empty fields ['username', 'password'] so you can put the username/password there, if you want.

$client = new InvoiceXpressAPI();
$api_key = $client->getAPIKey('my-username', 'my-password');
//later in the query
$client->setQuery(['api_key' => $api_key]);

3 - Usage

Check the documentation for the params of the actions.

See: https://invoicexpress.com/api/overview

There are 2 Classes for working with the API:

3.1 - Eloquent Model

It has one custom function, for retrieve all your customers and put them into the DB.

You can make a cron job for retrieving them periodically.

//Accepts a flag (true or false[default])

If you pass the true flag, the function inserts the clients into the database. False or none, returns an array with all your clients.

If the client already exists, it updates the values.

3.1.1 - One-to-One relationship with Laravel::Auth()

If you wish to have a relationship between the InvoiceXpress and your app Users, do the following:

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=ivxapi-migrateauth
$ php artisan migrate

In your Users Model, add the following method:

class User extends Model

//Get the InvoiceXpress Client record associated with the user.

public function invoicexpress()
	return $this->hasOne('InvoiceXpressClients');

You now have a one-to-one relationship. Now you only have to insert the user_id in the InvoiceXpress table.

3.2 - Interact with the API

use rpsimao\InvoiceXpressAPI\Service\InvoiceXpressAPI;

//Making a GET REQUEST

$client = new InvoiceXpressAPI();
$client->setQuery(['api_key' => config('invoicexpress.api_key')]);

$response = $client->talkToAPI();


// Another GET Request to generate a PDF for an invoice

$client = new InvoiceXpressAPI();
    endpoint_replace(['12759480'], config('invoicexpress.endpoints.invoices.generate_pdf'))
        'api_key' => config('invoicexpress.api_key'),
        'invoice-id' => '12759480',
        'second_copy' => true
$response = $client->talkToAPI();

// Creating a new Client

client = new InvoiceXpressAPI();
$client->setEndpoint( config('invoicexpress.endpoints.clients.create'));
        'api_key' => config('invoicexpress.api_key'),
        'client' => [
        	'name' => 'My name',
        	'code' => 'My Client Code',
        	'email' => 'client@email.com'
        	//.... insert more values ....
$response = $client->talkToAPI();

//Do whatever you need with the response

//Making a PUT REQUEST

$client = new InvoiceXpressAPI();
$client->setEndpoint(endpoint_replace(['123456789'], config('invoicexpress.endpoints.clients.update')));
	'api_key' => config('invoicexpress.api_key'),
	'client-id' => '123456789',
	'client' => [
		'name' => 'My awesome Client',
		'code' => '123',
		'phone' =>  999888777
		//.... insert more values ....
$response = $client->talkToAPI();

//Do whatever you need with the response

4 - Tests

Currently there are 4 tests available.

  1. A GET Request to Retrieve all Clients
  2. A PUT Request to Update Client Information
  3. A GET Request for retrieve your API key
  4. A GET Request for generate a Invoice PDF

For them to work, you have to fill with you own credentials | data:

class GetTest extends TestCase {

// Use your own credentials|data to run the tests

	protected $url          = '';
	protected $api_key      = '';
	protected $username     = '';
	protected $password     = '';
	protected $client_id    = '';
	protected $client_name  = '';
	protected $client_code  = '';
	protected $client_phone = '';
	protected $invoice      = '';


Then you can run the tests:

$ cd your-laravel-project-folder
$ vendor/bin/phpunit vendor/rpsimao/invoicexpress-api

If all goes well, you should receive:

OK (4 tests, 4 assertions)

5 - Messages

By default all Error / Success messages are returned in XML format. If you wish to change to JSON, just add the setMsgFormat() method and pass the JSON flag:

$client = new InvoiceXpressAPI();

5.1 - Error messages

The api_code and api_msg are the real messages that the InvoiceXpress API returns, the others are just for debugging.

The debugging tags only appears if in the .env file: APP_DEBUG=true

This is how the Error Messages are returned:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<api_msg>Server error: `GET https://mycompany.app.invoicexpress.com/api/pdf/1234567.xml?api_key=11111abc2222def33333&amp;invoice-id=1234567` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response: An error occured on the server. We have been notified.</api_msg>
	<message>simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '&amp;lt;' not found</message>


"api_msg":"Server error: `GET https:\/\/mycompany.app.invoicexpress.com\/api\/pdf\/1234567.xml?api_key=11111abc2222def33333&invoice-id=1234567` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response:\nAn error occured on the server. We have been notified.\n\n",
"message":"simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '&lt;' not found"

5.2 - Success Messages

This is how the Success Messages are returned:


<?xml version="1.0"?>


  "response": {
    "api_code": "200",
    "api_msg": "OK",
    "api_values": { "pdfUrl": "https://invoicexpress-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/store_00000_Factura-0000-a.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId= AAKKAAKKK&Expires=1501762080&Signature=vmePXICWhUBRLygwVO6y2Lx6x4M%3D&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3DFactura-0000-a.pdf&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf" }