rtablada / larv-markdown by rtablada

A laravel style markdown generator using static method calls
Package Data
Maintainer Username: rtablada
Maintainer Contact: ryan.tablada+dev@gmail.com (Ryan Tablada)
Package Create Date: 2013-01-30
Package Last Update: 2013-01-31
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-17 03:19:08
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 26
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 0
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0


A lightweight Laravel style markdown creator in PHP for composer. The code structure follows the syntax listed at http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax


####Using Composer: { "require": { "Rtablada/Markdown": "0.1.*" }


All of the methods are static calls on the Rtablada\Markdown class.

Utilizes the composer autoloader.

use \Rtablada\Markdown\Markdown;


Simple calls will return h1 elements: Markdown::heading('Text') returns # Text

A heading level can also be called as the first argument: Markdown::heading( 2, 'Text') returns ## Text

If multiple lines are passed to the heading method, only the first line is made a heading and all other text is left as is. Markdown::heading("Text\nNew Line) returns # Text\nNew Line


Block quotes support multiple lines where: Markdown::bockquote("Text\nNew Line) returns > Text\n> New Line

###Unordered Lists

Unorderd lists can be made using an array of strings or a multiline string. It also accepts an optional marker option which allows the user to specify either an astrik or underscore (astriks are used by default).

Markdown::ul(['first', 'second'], '_') and Markdown::ul("first\nsecond"], '_') both produce: 1. first\n2. second

###Ordered List

Ordered Lists work similar to unordered lists. The optional second argument accepts the start point for the ordered list.

Markdown::ol(['first', 'second']) and Markdown::ol("first\nsecond"], '1') both produce: 1. first\n2. second

###Code Blocks

Code blocks create a tabbed in area which is translated as a multiline code block:

Markdown::codeblock("first\nsecond") produces: \tfirst\n\tsecond'


Links can be created as quick links:

Markdown::link('http:://google.com') : <http:://google.com>

Or fully functioning markup links:

Markdown::link('http:://google.com', 'Text', 'Title') : [Text](http:://google.com Title)>


em can be created with the em method:

Markdown::em('text') : *text*

so can strong blocks:

Markdown::em('text', '**') : **text** Markdown::em('text', '_') : _text_

###In Line Code

In line code can be created:

Markdown::code('{{ Form::open() }}', '**') : `{{ Form::open()`


Images items will be made using: Markdown::image('http://placehold.it/350x150', 'alt') : ![alt](http://placehold.it/350x150)