Package for build Rest Api for your application
Package Data
Maintainer Username: sakadigital
Maintainer Contact: (Sakadigital)
Package Create Date: 2015-12-16
Package Last Update: 2016-01-12
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-10 15:05:32
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 55
Monthly Downloads: 0
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Total Stars: 6
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Rest Api Structure for Laravel

Build Rest Api with laravel Php Framework. This package also genrate automaticly documentation for your API based Api controller docblock and test api function.


  • Versioning API
  • Enabled/Disabled API or Some version
  • Enabled/Disabed Documentation
  • Bypass csrf token laravel for api prefix
  • Auto-generation of API documentation based on docblock
  • Simulate API call & view API return data


Require this package with composer:

composer require sakadigital/api

After updating composer, add the ApiServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


and also add the facades

'Api' => Sakadigital\Api\Facades\Api::class,

Copy the package resource to your application with the publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish

by run command vendor:publish we will copy folder and file as following:

  • Config file api.php to /config folder
  • Asset folder apidoc to /public folder, this folder contain css,js, etc.
  • Api structur Api folder to /App, this folder contain Controllers folder as a place for your api controller, and routes.php for api route.

And you are ready to build your API.

Using The Package

If you finish installation process above, by default your api is active and now you can checkout your api by GET, and also documentation by GET

creating controller

Your controller is your documentation, so we sugest you to follow some our standard to make controller file for documentation page.

Class Name
  • use prefix and suffix for contoller Api{{Object}}Controller, for example if you will use Auth you should use file and class name ApiAuthContoller,
  • Add description to your calss.
 * This is description from file ApiAuthController
class ApiAuthController extends Controller {

each function must have a description, param, return, and error. example:

	 * Login user from api
	 * This process will generate new token of loginned user
	 * @param email | registered user email with role | required email
	 * @param password | user password that created with role | required
	 * @return user_id | id of user
	 * @return user_token | user token for access data via api
	 * @return providers | list of connected providers
	 * @error Email or Password not match | no email and password registered in database
	public function login(Request $request)

in @param contain information about paramter, description and validation rule that sparated by |, and in @return also contain return type or name and description of function return. @error is special error that function made, you can give the information to the error.

  • Place your all controllers inside Api controllers folder.

using versioning

if you will make your api with many version create folder inside you api namespace :

|_ Api
    |_ v1 //your first version here
        |_ Controllers
        |_ route.php
    |_ v2 //your second version

place your routes.php in each version and create Controllers folder in each version and place your contorller and register your api version bellow as following:

    'v1'=> ['enabled'=>true, 'namespace'=>'App\Api\v1', 'prefix'=>'v1'],
    'v2'=> ['enabled'=>true, 'namespace'=>'App\Api\v2', 'prefix'=>'v2'],

your version prefix will placed in second url prefix{api-prefix}/{version-prefix}/


this package will automaticly append prefix to routes as api config file

Route::get('test', function(){
    return response()->toJson('Hallo word!');

test by GET`test', if you use version v1, GET http://yourdoumain/api/v1/test