samanix / laranix by Samanix

Laravel extended functionality
Package Data
Maintainer Username: Samanix
Maintainer Contact: (Sam Newsome)
Package Create Date: 2017-08-28
Package Last Update: 2018-06-02
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-06 03:02:43
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 282
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 2
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0


Build Status


Laranix by Samanix

Laranix provides extended functionality and more feature rich existing functions to Laravel.

It was done as a package, albeit a large one, so that it is more easily updated with new Laravel versions.


Please use the issue tracker to report any issues, or submit via pull requests

Contributions are encouraged via pull requests


For security related issues, please contact


Laranix is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license




Provides invisible recaptcha entry on forms (sign up with Google), as well as a sequence ID field, which will prevent the form being submitted twice.


Custom auth package built on top of Laravels own, providing:

  • More feature rich User model
  • User groups with group flags (permissions)
  • Password resets
  • Email verification
  • User cages - protect an area so a user cannot access it


Provides base packages and configs for your app.


Installs, publishes and copies files for Laranix to your app.


Adds IP locking to sessions, not required if you don't want to use it.


Adds extra functionality, including:

  • Simple URL creator, that will always (try) and use the full URL - if it doesn't, somethings wrong with your setup
  • String formatting with named parameters (similar to C#)
  • Settings class, that allows you to use a class to determine parameters and their types


Provides themes and loads the files given, combines like for like files in to one automatically and updates if any file is added or changed


Provides breadcrumb like tracking for user actions



composer require samanix\laranix

Or add "samanix\laranix": "~2.0" to your composer.json and then run composer update.

Service Providers

Services are automatically registered since Laravel 5.5 using package discovery in the composer.json.

However, in the config/app.php you may still wish to comment out or remove:


There are a number of other packages provided with the dev install of Laranix, see the documentation for them for help:


Optional: Register Facades

Registered automatically since Laravel 5.5.

Artisan Commands

Registered automatically since Laravel 5.5.

However, before running any commands for Laranix:

  • Make sure to remove the default Laravel user and password migrations from 'database/migrations/'
  • You can also remove from the relevant app folders:
    • Any default Laravel controllers
    • Any default Laravel views
    • Any default Laravel models
    • Any files/folders in resources/assets provided by default by Laravel
  • It is recommended to run php artisan preset none as well, although this is not required

Run php artisan laranix:install -AO.

See php artisan laranix:install --help for options.

The following commands are also run automatically if the required option is set:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laranix-configs
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laranix-migrations
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-mail
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Indal\Markdown\MarkdownServiceProvider"

If you skip these commands, you can run the artisan ones at a later time.

The command also attempts to run composer dump-autoload, if you get an error about this, please ensure you run manually afterwards.

Theme Commands

The basic theme for Laranix is copied to the resources/themes directory, you can either setup your compilers and/or copy the files to the public\themes directory, or you can use the command to symlink.

php artisan laranix:themer:link {theme} {images|styles|scripts}

Where the first argument is the theme key, and the 2nd corresponds to the folder required.


Laranix runs its own base controller, you can extend this class in your own controllers, or roll your own entirely, if you do either of these, remember to update the controllers installed by Laranix.

The Laranix base controller resides in \Laranix\Foundation\Controllers\Controller.

The base controller contains methods and traits that can be called that will scaffold certain scenarios.

Error Controller

Laranix provides a special error controller in App\Http\Controllers\Errors. This overrides certain parts of the foundation controller that allows the Themer to load, and display custom error pages using your global styles and scripts (as certain parts such as Themer are only autoloaded on get requests).

In order to use this, open app/Exceptions/Handler.php and add the following to the render method, above the current render statement:

$response = $this->container->make(App::class)->renderClientError($exception);

if ($response !== null) {
    return new Response($response, $exception->getStatusCode(), $exception->getHeaders());


There are some routes provided for authentication as well as an entry page, you are free to change these.

When running laranix:install, the web.php routes file is overwritten entirely with Laranix routes. Take a backup first if required.

It is only overwritten if the -O|overwrite parameter is set.


Add the following to your app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php inside the $listen array:

\Laranix\Auth\Email\Events\Updated::class => [
\Illuminate\Auth\Events\Logout::class => [
\Illuminate\Auth\Events\Registered::class => [
\Laranix\Auth\Password\Events\Updated::class => [

Add the following to your App\Providers\EventServiceProvider.php inside the $subscribe array (create if it does not exist):


You can always register your own listeners as well as or instead of the default provided.


Open app/Http/Kernel.php and add the following to $routeMiddleware:

'antispam'  => \Laranix\AntiSpam\Middleware\Verify::class,

Then, add \Laranix\Tracker\Middleware\Flush::class to the $middleware array.


Open the config\auth.php and edit the providers array, add:

'laranixuser' => [
     'driver'   => 'eloquent',
     'model'    => \Laranix\Auth\User\User::class,

Then change the guards.web.provider value to laranixuser.

You may also wish to change the guards.api.provider to laranixuser too.

Next, open the config\mail.php and change the markdown.theme to laranix.

.env Files

Add/edit the following settings to your .env:


Other Config files

Other configurations you can edit are:


Configures Auth components.


Configures Themer component.


Provides some extra custom settings for your app.


Add variables that will be shared globally to all views.


Add files that Themer will load on all requests where Themer is initialised.


Provides links to various social media outlets, you are free to add your own.


Add and configure default user groups for when the database is seeded.


Configures AntiSpam components.


Configures Tracker component.

Other Packages


Remember to set escape_markup to true in this file if you are allowing user input.


Run migrations using the php artisan migrate command.

Seed your database with your default user groups using php artisan db:seed --class=DefaultGroups if Laranix has been installed with the --D|seeds option.

Artisan Commands

In addition to the laranix:install command, Laranix also provides some other commands.

Remember to run php artisan <command> --help for options and information.

laranix:themer:link Links the image directory to the public theme image directory for the given theme.

laranix:themer:clear Clears compiled style and script files from themes.

laranix:tokens:clear Clears expired tokens from the database for given models.

Default models for Laranix tokens are:

  • \Laranix\Auth\Email\Verification\Verification
  • \Laranix\Auth\Password\Reset\Reset

Additional Notes


Laranix provides several views to get you started, it also provides some mails in markdown format, so if you edit config\laranixauth.php to not use markdown on mails, you will have to edit the views in resources/views/mail/auth/.


Remember to update webpack.mix.js if you roll your own theme settings.


See here.