jarektkaczyk / eloquence-metable by jarektkaczyk

Flexible Searchable, Mappable, Metable, Validation and more extensions for Laravel Eloquent ORM.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: jarektkaczyk
Maintainer Contact: jarek@softonsofa.com (Jarek Tkaczyk)
Package Create Date: 2017-10-13
Package Last Update: 2020-12-05
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-06-17 03:15:00
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 1,003,866
Monthly Downloads: 14,740
Daily Downloads: 248
Total Stars: 32
Total Watchers: 3
Total Forks: 17
Total Open Issues: 1


Build Status Coverage Status Code Quality Downloads stable

Easy and flexible extensions for the Eloquent ORM.

If I'm saving you some time with my work, you can back me up on Patreon page.

Currently available extensions:

  1. Searchable query - crazy-simple fulltext search through any related model
  2. Validable - self-validating models
  3. Mappable -map attributes to table fields and/or related models
  4. Metable - meta attributes made easy
  5. Mutable - flexible attribute get/set mutators with quick setup
  6. Mutator - pipe-based mutating


composer require sofa/eloquence-metable

Check the documentation for installation and usage info, website for examples and API reference


Shout out to all the Contributors!

All contributions are welcome, PRs must be tested and PSR-2 compliant.

To validate your builds before committing use the following composer command:

composer test