SPie / laravel-jwt by SPie

JWT package for Laravel and Lumen.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: SPie
Package Create Date: 2018-11-23
Package Last Update: 2023-03-10
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Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-28 15:13:58
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JWT Package for Laravel

This package provides a Laravel Guard for JWT authentication. It uses lcobucci/jwt:3.2 to create and validate the tokens.

This package provides a access and refresh token workflow. You need to create an access token first. With the access token you can issue a refresh token. Then this refresh token can be used to create access tokens if required.


  • PHP >= 7.1


Just pull the package with composer

composer require spie/laravel-jwt


Add the SPie\LaravelJWT\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php.

'providers' => [


In bootstrap/app.php add Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider and SPie\LaravelJWT\Providers\LumenServiceProvider.




You can configure the JWT package in your .env file. You can find the available config options in the .env.example file.


You can also copy the config/jwt.php file from the repo to your projects config directory to configure JWT without an .env file.

It is required to add a value for JWT_SECRET and JWT_ISSUER. For every other config a default value exists.


You need to add an entry for the JWTGuard in you config/auth.php file.

'guards' => [

    'jwt' => [
        'driver' => 'jwt',


You can use the SPie\LaravelJWT\Auth\JWTGuard by using dependency injection and depend on Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Guard. You can also get the JWTGuard by Illuminate\Auth\AuthManager::guard($name), using the guard name configured in config/auth.php.


To use your user model for authentication, it has to implement the SPie\LaravelJWT\Contracts\JWTAuthenticatable interface.


The JWTGuard provides a method to login your user by credentials. This will mark the user as logged-in in the guard and will create a SPie\LaravelJWT\JWT object.

    'username' => 'USERNAME',
    'password' => 'PASSWORD',
/** @var SPie\LaravelJWT\JWT $jwt */
$jwt = $jwtGuard->getJWT();
/** @var SPie\LaravelJWT\Contracts\JWTAuthenticatable $user */
$user = $jwtGuard->getUser();

If the login fails, the JWTGuard will throw an Illuminate\Auth\Access\AuthorizationException.

Get user by token

The JWTGuard::user() method gets and authenticates a user by token, provided by the request.

/** @var SPie\LaravelJWT\Contracts\JWTAuthenticatable|null $user */
$user = $jwtGuard->user();

If no token was send by request or the token was invalid, the method will return NULL. This will work with the access or the refresh token.


The JWTGuard::logout() method will unset the $jwt and $user property. If a TokenBlacklist is configured, the token will be revoked. If a refresh token was used to issue the current access token, this refresh token will get revoked.


You have to specify a TokenProvider to be able to extract a token from request. This package includes two TokenProvider already: the SPie\LaravelJWT\TokenProvider\HeaderTokenProvider and the SPie\LaravelJWT\TokenProvider\CookieTokenProvider. Of course you can create a custom TokenProvider, implementing the SPie\LaravelJWT\Contracts\TokenProvider interface and specify it in the JWT config.

You have to specify a TokenProvider for refresh tokens too, if you want to use them. It is recommended to use different TokenProvider types for each of the tokens.


To create or validate JWTs, you can use the SPie\LaravelJWT\JWTHandler. Just use dependency injection or use the make container function.


Create JWT

To create a JWT, you have to provide a subject and an optional payload.

/** @var SPie\LaravelJWT\JWT $jwt */
$jwt = $jwtHandler->createJWT('SUBJECT', ['claim1' => 'value1']);

Get valid JWT

To validate a JWT, you have to provide the token as string. You will get a SPie\LaravelJWT\JWT object, if the token is valid, or a specific JWTException.

$token = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJUZXN0IiwiaWF0IjoxNTQyOTc0NzM3LCJleHAiOjE1NzQ1OTcxMzcsImF1ZCI6IiIsInN1YiI6IlRlc3QifQ.XdS6BiYD02I_1AAFeCxuO3LdeNBXLjE9TWd-G89ePOk';
/** @var SPie\LaravelJWT\JWT $jwt */
$jwt = $jwtHandler->getValidJWT($token);

Possible exceptions are possible:

  • SPie\LaravelJWT\Exceptions\InvalidTokenException
  • SPie\LaravelJWT\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException
  • SPie\LaravelJWT\Exceptions\TokenExpiredException
  • SPie\LaravelJWT\Exceptions\BeforeValidException

JWT Object

The SPie\LaravelJWT\JWT object is just a wrapper for Lcobucci\JWT\Token. To get the string representation of the JWT, you have to call the JWT::getJWT() method.


The JWTGuard can use a token blacklist. The token blacklist has to implement the SPie\LaravelJWT\Contracts\TokenBlacklist interface. The interface provide two methods: revoke(SPie\LaravelJWT\JWT $jwt) and isRevoked(string $jwt). The revoke method will store the JWT until it would expire, or forever if no expiration date is set. The isRevoked method will check for a revoked token.


You have to implement the SPie\LaravelJWT\RefreshTokenRepository if you want to use refresh tokens. The RefreshTokenRepository will store and revoke the refresh tokens if needed and also checks if a refresh token is already revoked.


Upcoming features:

  • Use of event dispatchers