Package Data | |
Maintainer Username: | stepanenko3 |
Package Create Date: | 2022-08-25 |
Package Last Update: | 2024-12-16 |
Language: | PHP |
License: | MIT |
Last Refreshed: | 2024-12-27 03:00:03 |
Package Statistics | |
Total Downloads: | 614,669 |
Monthly Downloads: | 53,492 |
Daily Downloads: | 360 |
Total Stars: | 6 |
Total Watchers: | 2 |
Total Forks: | 3 |
Total Open Issues: | 0 |
php: >=8.0
# Install the package
composer require stepanenko3/laravel-helpers
Included functions:
apply_condition(string|int|float $amount, string|null $conditionValue = null): float
camel_to_snake_case(string $input): string
carbon(string|null $parseString = '', string $tz = null): Carbon
class_basename(mixed $class): ?string
class_by_key(string $key, string $service = 'Models'): ?string
cleanConditionValue(string|array $value): string|array
closetags(string $html): string
condition_value(string|int|float $amount, string|null $conditionValue = null): string|int|float
contrast_color(string $hexColor): string
string|float|int $latitudeFrom,
string|float|int $longitudeFrom,
string|float|int $latitudeTo,
string|float|int $longitudeTo,
int $earthRadius = 6371000
): float|int
domain(): string
string $string,
bool $capitalizeFirstCharacter = false
): string
float $size,
int $level = 0,
int $precision = 2,
int $base = 1024,
bool $asArray = false
): string|array
format_weight(float|int|string $weight): string
from_timestamp(string|int $timestamp): Carbon
get_ascii_key(string $needle, array $haystack = []): ?int
getAspectRatio(int $width, int $height): string
get_by_ascii(string $needle, array $haystack = []): mixed
get_initials(string $name): array|string|null
get_ip(): string
get_order_id(string|int $id): string
get_query_raw(EloquentBuilder|QueryBuilder $builder): string
hashid_decode(string|int $id): array
hashid_encode(string|int $id): string
in_array_wildcard(mixed $needle, array $haystack): bool
ipv4_in_range(mixed $ip, array|string $range): bool
ipv4_match_mask(string $ip, string $network): bool
string|int|null $timestamp = null,
float $lat = 50.458124677588046,
float $lng = 30.51755711378018
): bool
is_digit(mixed $value): bool
string|int|null $timestamp = null,
float $lat = 50.458124677588046,
float $lng = 30.51755711378018
): bool
is_query_joined(EloquentBuilder|QueryBuilder $query, string $table): bool
key_by_class(mixed $class): ?string
mb_lcfirst(string $string): string
mb_pathinfo(string $path, string $opt = ''): array|string
mb_ucfirst(string $string): string
model_by_key(string $key): ?string
natural_language_join(array $list, $conjunction = 'and'): string
normalizePrice(string|int|float $price): float
number(string|int|float $value, null|int $decimals = 0): string
num_pad(string|int $value, int $length = 8): string
plural_text(string $text, string $endings): string
// Example usage: str_plural_ru('черновик', 2, '|а|ов'); # Return: черновика
plural_word(string $word, int $count, string $endings): string
random_code_chars(bool $only_letters = false): array
random_code(int $length = 7): string
remove_query_param(string $url, string $param): string
renderBlade(string $string, array|null $data = null): false|string
rglob(string $pattern): array|false
seo_replace(string $str, array $attributes = []): string
storage_url(string $path, string|null $disk = null): string
str_contains(string $haystack, array $needles): bool
string $key,
string|null $value = null,
string|null $url = null
): string
translit_to_ua(string $text): string
truncate_html(string $text, int $length = 100, array $options = []): string
url_data(string $string, string $action = 'encrypt'): bool|string
utf8ize(array|string $d): string
uuid(int $version = 6): string
validateDate(string $date, string $format = 'Y-m-d'): bool
valueIsPercentage(string $value): bool
valueIsToBeAdded(string $value): bool
valueIsToBeSubtracted(string $value): bool
youtube_id(string $url): string
Thank you for considering contributing to this package! Please create a pull request with your contributions with detailed explanation of the changes you are proposing.
This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.