SUKOHI / Neatness by Sukohi

A Laravel package to automatically add sorting system for DB query and provide URLs to switch between ASC and DESC.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: Sukohi
Maintainer Contact: (Sukohi)
Package Create Date: 2016-04-14
Package Last Update: 2016-09-21
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-07 03:03:08
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 11,819
Monthly Downloads: 65
Daily Downloads: 3
Total Stars: 1
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0


A Laravel package to automatically add sorting system for DB query and provide URLs to switch between ASC and DESC.
(This is for Laravel 5+. For Laravel 4.2)



Execute composer command.

composer require sukohi/neatness:4.*


At first, set NeatnessTrait in your Model.

use Sukohi\Neatness\NeatnessTrait;

class Item extends Eloquent {

    use NeatnessTrait;


Secondary, add configuration values also in your Model.

default: Default key and direction. (Required)
columns: Keys and column names you want to sort. (Required)
symbols: Labels you will be able to use in your View. (Optional)
symbols: Symbols you will be able to use in your View. (Optional)
appends: Keys you want to append to URLs. (Optional)

protected $neatness = [
    'default' => ['sort_id', 'desc'],
    'columns' => [
        'sort_id' => 'id',
        'sort_title' => 'title',
        'sort_date' => 'created_at'
    'labels' => [
        'sort_id' => 'ID',
        'sort_title' => 'Title',
        'sort_date' => 'Date'
    'symbols' => [
        'asc' => '<i class="fa fa-sort-asc"></i>',
        'desc' => '<i class="fa fa-sort-desc"></i>',
        'default' => '<i class="fa fa-sort"></i>'
    'appends' => ['name']

Multiple columns: If you want to sort by multiple columns, you can use delimiter | like so.

'columns' => [
    'id_n_title' => 'id|title'

Query Scope: You also can utilize Query Scopes instead of column name.

'columns' => [
    'scope_title' => 'scope::sortTitle'

in this case, you need to prepare a scope method in your model. (About Query Scopes)

public function scopeSortTitle($query, $direction) {

    return $query->orderBy('title', $direction);


Label: You can use label:: prefix to call a specific method.

'labels' => [
    'title' => 'label::SortTitle'

in this case, you need to prepare a method in your model.

public function labelSortTitle() {

    return 'Your Title'.



Now you can use a method called neatness.

(in Controller)

$items = Item::neatness()->get();

After call neatness(), you can access to sort data through $neatness.

(in View)

key: The key name sorting now.

Key: {{ $neatness->key }}

column: The column name sorting now.

Column: {{ $neatness->column }}

direction: The Direction sorting now. asc or desc

Direction: {{ $neatness->direction }}

urls: URLs to switch sort.

@foreach($neatness->urls as $key => $url)
    {{ $key }} => {{ $url }}



all_urls: All URLs to switch sort.

@foreach($neatness->all_urls as $key => $urls)
    @foreach($urls as $direction => $url)
        {{ $direction }} => {{ $url }}<br>


$neatness->all_urls->get('title');          // Array
$neatness->all_urls->get('title')['desc']   // URL

labels: Labels you set in your Model.

@foreach($neatness->labels as $key => $label)
    {{ $key }} => {{ $label }}



symbols: Symbols plucked with sort state.

@foreach($neatness->symbols as $key => $symbol)
    {{ $key }} => {{ $symbol }}



texts: Texts mainly for link.

@foreach($neatness->urls as $key => $url)
    <a href="{{ $url }}">{{ $neatness->texts->get($key) }}</a>



appends: Array values for pagination

{{ $items->appends($neatness->appends)->links() }}

Change default column and direction

By this way, you can change default column and direction.

Item::neatness('title', 'desc')->get();


You can use this package with relationship using join().

(in Controller)

$items = Item::join('item_details', 'item_details.item_id', '=', '')

(in Model)

protected $neatness = [
	'default' => ['', 'desc'],
	'columns' => [
		'id' => '',
		'title' => 'items.title',
		'date' => 'items.created_at',
		'address' => 'item_details.address'


This package is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright 2016 Sukohi Kuhoh