Package Data | |
Maintainer Username: | sukorenomw |
Maintainer Contact: | (Sukoreno Mukti) |
Package Create Date: | 2016-04-26 |
Package Last Update: | 2016-04-27 |
Language: | PHP |
License: | MIT |
Last Refreshed: | 2025-02-22 15:05:12 |
Package Statistics | |
Total Downloads: | 19 |
Monthly Downloads: | 0 |
Daily Downloads: | 0 |
Total Stars: | 0 |
Total Watchers: | 2 |
Total Forks: | 0 |
Total Open Issues: | 0 |
RClient is standard client application to Roketin API to accelerate connecting and integrating basic feature of Roketin Engine API to client's website.
Documentation for the Roketin API can be found on the Documentation.
"require": {
"laravel/framework": "5.0.*",
"sukorenomw/rclient": "dev-master"
Next, run the Composer update command from the Terminal:
composer update
composer update "sukorenomw/rclient"
'Roketin' => Roketin\Facades\RoketinFacade::class
Publish the config using the following command:
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Roketin\Providers\RoketinServiceProvider"
Create an .env file based on .env.example file and change the value based on client credentials
You can call a Roketin Object by using: Roketin::model()->get()
use Roketin;
$menus = Roketin::menus()->get();
$posts = Roketin::posts()->get();
$products = Roketin::products()->get();
Fethcing single object with id/slug/etc:
* Same as fetching object, but in singular form (without 's')
* the second argument can be id or slug or etc ..
* this is dynamic function call to Roketin Engine API
$home = Roketin::menu('home')->get();
$post = Roketin::post('latest-update')->get();
Fetching object with simple where conditions:
* @param $field
* @param $operation
* @param $value
$posts = Roketin::posts()->where('title','like','vacation')->get();
//NOTE :
//It doesn't need to add % if using 'like' operator
Fetching object with simple orWhere conditions:
* @param $field
* @param $operation
* @param $value
$posts = Roketin::posts()
//NOTE :
//It doesn't need to add % if using 'like' operator
Advance where orWhere grouping conditions:
* @param $field
* @param $operation
* @param $value
$posts = Roketin::posts()
//NOTE :
//It will result query grouping
// (title like vacation or title like holiday)
// AND
// (date >= 2016-04-10 and date <= 2016-04-18 )
Fetch a Roketin Object API by sorting on it's field:
* sorting object before fetch
* @param $field
* @param $direction (optional) default is ASC
* /
$posts = Roketin::posts()->sortBy('created_at')->get();
$posts = Roketin::posts()->sortBy('created_at','DESC')->get();
Fetch a Roketin Object API by grouping on it's field:
* grouping object before fetch
* @param $field
* /
$posts = Roketin::posts()->groupBy('created_at')->get();
Paginating fetch object
* paginate object before fetch
* @param $size default value is 10
* @param $page (optional)
* /
$posts = Roketin::posts()->paginate(10)->get();
$posts = Roketin::posts()->paginate(10,2)->get();
Get all available countries:
$countries = Roketin::shipping()->countries()
Get all available provinces (currently available in Indonesia only):
$province = Roketin::shipping()->province()
Get all available city (currently available in Indonesia only):
* @param $provinceid
$cities = Roketin::shipping()->province(9)->cities()
Calculate shipping costs:
* @param $destination = city id
* @param $courier = JNE/TIKI/POS
* @param $weight = item weight in KG (optional) default value 1
* @param $origin = city id
$costs = Roketin::shipping()->cost(23, 'JNE')
Create sales order:
* @param array $generalData
* @param array $customerData
* @param array $products
$generalData = [
"notes" => "some string here",
"is_email_only" => true,
$customerData = [
"first_name" => "Sukoreno",
"last_name" => "Mukti",
"phone" => "+6281910513704",
"email" => "",
$products = [
"id" => "2623",
"qty" => "1",
"sku" => "ADVHEL001",
"price_type" => "retail_price",
$order = Roketin::order()->create([], 'JNE')
- For detailed attribute, see sales order API documentation HERE
Confirm payment order:
* @param $invoice_number
* @param $payment_type
* @param $total
* @param $customer_name
* @param $transaction_number
* @param Image $image
* @param null $bank_account
* @param null $paid_date
//you can create image for bank transfer that
//showing transfer is success
//by using Image::make()
$img = Image::make(Input::file('image'))
$payment = Roketin::order()
'Sukoreno Mukti',
Void an Sales Order and it's invoice:
* @param $invoice_number
$order = Roketin::order()->void('ASD02262016')
Submit a subscription email:
* @param $email
$subscribe = Roketin::subscribe('')
Send a message to Roketin Engine Inbox:
* @param $sender_name
* @param $sender_email
* @param $sender_phone
* @param $message_title
* @param $message_body
$msg = Roketin::message()
'test mesage',
Check validity of a voucher:
* @param $code
* @param $voucher_type (optional), default = null
* voucher type can be giftvoucher (voucher in
* exchange to money nominal) or
* other (voucher to exchange to free product)
* default is voucher_type is other
$check = Roketin::voucher()->check('AS123D')
invalidate a voucher (use voucher):
* @param $voucher_code
* @param $voucher_type (optional) default is other
* @param $used_by (optional) default is logged in user
$check = Roketin::voucher()->invalidate('AS123D')
Register new user:
* @param $first_name
* @param $last_name
* @param $email
* @param $phone
* @param $password
* @param $password_confirmation
* @return user object
$user = Roketin::user()->register('first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'phone', 'password', 'password_confirmation');
User activation:
* @param $token
* @return true if success activation
* @return error object if present
$activation = Roketin::user()->activate('token');
Resend activation code to email:
* @param $email
* @return true if success activation
* @return error object if present
$resend = Roketin::user()->resendActivation('');
Forgot password (generate and send token to user email):
* @param $email
* @return true if success activation
* @return error object if present
Reset password:
* @param $token
* @param $password
* @param $password_confirmation
* @return true if success activation
* @return error object if present
* @param $email
* @param $password
* @param $type (optional) default = user, available = vendor
* @return true if success activation
* @return error object if present
Current User:
* @return user object
Update user data:
* @return user object
Roketin::user()->update(['first_name' => 'John']);
- For detailed attribute, see sales order API documentation HERE
Get transaction history data:
* @return user object
- you can also use where(), orWhere(), etc query with this method
* @return boolean