tagmeo / tagmeo by divspace

A modern WordPress stack with the latest development tools, easier configuration, enhanced security, and an improved folder structure.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: divspace
Maintainer Contact: kyle@divspace.com (Kyle Anderson)
Package Create Date: 2016-07-20
Package Last Update: 2016-07-20
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-05-19 15:01:03
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 14
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 0
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0


Build Status Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License composer.lock

A modern WordPress stack with the latest development tools, easier configuration, enhanced security, and an improved folder structure.

# Installation

Server Requirements

Tagmeo has a few system requirements. Of course, all of these requirements are satisfied by the Vagrant virtual machine that's included, so it's highly recommended that you use this for your local development environment.

If you're not using Vagrant, you will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:

  • MySQL >= 5.5.9
  • Node >= 5.9
  • NPM >= 3.7
  • PHP >= 5.6

You'll also need the following PHP extensions:

  • Mbstring
  • OpenSSL
  • PDO
  • Tokenizer

Installing Tagmeo

Tagmeo uses Composer to manage its dependencies. So, before using Tagmeo, make sure you have Composer installed on your machine.

Via Tagmeo Installer

First, download the Tagmeo installer using Composer:

composer global require tagmeo/installer

Make sure to place the ~/.composer/vendor/bin directory (or the equivalent for your OS) in your PATH so the tagmeo executable can be located by your system.

Once installed, the tagmeo new command will create a fresh Tagmeo installation in the directory you specify. For example, tagmeo new blog will create a directory named blog containing a fresh installation with all of the dependencies already installed. This method of installation is much faster than installing via Composer:

tagmeo new blog
cd blog
php tagmeo setup

The last command will walk you through the setup process to create your environment file, generate WordPress authentication keys and salts, install NPM packages, run Gulp, and provision your virtual machine.

Via Composer

You can install Tagmeo by issuing the Composer create-project command:

composer create-project tagmeo/tagmeo blog
cd blog
php tagmeo setup

Via Git

If you prefer, you can install Tagmeo by cloning the repository:

git clone https://github.com/tagmeo/tagmeo blog
cd blog
composer install
php tagmeo setup

# Folder Structure

The following tree output shows the most commonly used folders and files:

├── elixir.json                         # Asset loader
├── gulpfile.js                         # Task automator
├── app                                 # Application framework
├── config
│   └──  application.php                # Primary configuration
├── public                              # Virtual host document root
│   ├── assets                          # Public assets
│   │   └── rev-manifest.json           # Cache busting
│   ├── cms                             # WordPress core
│   ├── mu-plugins                      # WordPress must-use plugins
│   ├── plugins                         # WordPress plugins
│   ├── themes                          # WordPress themes
│   └── uploads                         # WordPress uploads
├── resources
│   └── assets                          # Local assets
├── vendor                              # Composer dependencies
└── tagmeo                              # Console application

# Environment

The .env file controls your environment settings. For security reasons, this file is not stored in the repository, but you can look at the .env.example file as a reference. The following variables can be set:


The following variables are required:


Valid input for the WP_ENV variable are:

  • development
  • staging
  • production

# Assets

The elixir.json file controls what local or remote scripts or stylesheets are loaded, along with the local and distribution asset folders.


The gulpfile.js file handles all of the assets for the project and places them in the public/assets folder, along with things like copying files, minification, cache busting, and BrowserSync.


The package.json file is where dependencies for npm are saved.

# WordPress

WordPress is installed in the public/cms directory.


Installed plugins reside in public/plugins.

Must-Use (MU) Plugins

All must-use plugins are in public/mu-plugins.


The themes are located in the public/themes directory. The default theme is called tagmeo, but can be renamed based on the project.

# Resources

The resources directory holds all of the local assets (images, fonts, scripts, stylesheets, etc.) that gulp uses to make the app.css and app.js file in the public distribution folder.


A default SCSS structure has been setup to speed up the styling process. The app.scss file should not contain any CSS, instead, it's where we import partials and vendor files.

The modules directory really won't be touched either, besides setting up variables for the theme. No code should reside in these files either.

Finally, the partials directory is where the meat of the styling goes, and it's divided up based on the element and/or layout we're dealing with.

Asset Loader

All of the CSS and JavaScript assets are setup in the elixir.json file. Here's an example of the configuration options available to you:

"assets": {
  "[handle]": {
    "file": "[file]",
    "dependsOn": "[dependsOn]",
    "version": "[version]",
    "inFooter": "[inFooter]",
    "media": "[media]"


| Paremeter | Type | Required | Description | |:------------- |:------------------- |:--------:|:------------ | | [handle] | (string) | Yes | Name of the script or stylesheet. | [file] | (string) | Yes | Path to the script or stylesheet relative to the public/assets directory. The asset loader knows what type of file you're loading, so you don't have to put that in the path. If you want to specify a path outside of the public/assets directory, then use the a relative path from the asset or web root to the file. To load an external script or stylesheet, enter the full URL. | [dependsOn] | (array) | No | An array of registered handles that the script or stylesheet depends on. | [version] | (string|boolean) | No | String specifying the script or stylesheet version number, if it has one. Default is false. | [inFooter] | (boolean) | No | Whether to enqueue the script before </head> or before </body>. Default is true. | [media] | (string) | No | String specifying the media for which the stylesheet has been defined, e.g. (all, screen, handheld, print). Default is all.


"assets": {
  "tagmeo-css": {
    "file": "app.css"
  "akismet": {
    "file": "./plugins/akismet/js/akismet.min.js"
  "authorizer": {
    "file": "../plugins/authorizer/js/authorizer.min.js"
  "bootstrap": {
    "file": "bootstrap.css",
    "version": "3.3.6",
    "media": "screen"
  "jquery": {
    "file": "jquery.js",
    "version": "2.2.3",
    "inFooter": true
  "tagmeo-js": {
    "file": "app.js"
  "tagmeo-customizer": {
    "file": "customizer.js",
    "dependsOn": [
  "html5shiv": {
    "file": "//cdn.example.com/js/html5shiv.min.js",
    "version": "3.7.3",
    "dependsOn": [

# Vagrant

If you choose to use Vagrant, please make sure it and VirtualBox are installed on your machine.

The default root directory for your project is:


The following plugins, while not required, are recommended:

  • vagrant-hostmanager
  • vagrant-auto_network
  • vagrant-cachier

You can run the following command to see what plugins you have installed:

vagrant plugin list

And the following command to install a plugin:

vagrant plugin install <plugin_name>

# Laravel Valet

Alternatively, you can use Valet to test your site locally. Once you've finished installing Valet, you can load the custom driver:

cd ~/.valet/Drivers/
git clone https://github.com/tagmeo/valet .
valet restart