tailflow / laravel-orion by alexzarbn

Orion for Laravel allows you to build a fully featured REST API based on your Eloquent models and relationships with the simplicity of Laravel as you love it.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: alexzarbn
Maintainer Contact: alex@tailflow.org (Aleksei Zarubin)
Package Create Date: 2019-04-16
Package Last Update: 2024-06-03
Home Page: https://orion.tailflow.org
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-06-13 15:02:05
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 248,105
Monthly Downloads: 12,623
Daily Downloads: 563
Total Stars: 1,427
Total Watchers: 31
Total Forks: 86
Total Open Issues: 26


Laravel Orion allows you to build a fully featured REST API based on your Eloquent models and relationships with simplicity of Laravel as you love it.

Official Documentation

Documentation for Laravel Orion can be found on the website.


The Laravel Orion is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.