timitek / getrealt-quarx by joshtimitek

A quarx module for for GetRETS.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: joshtimitek
Maintainer Contact: support@timitek.com (timitek, llc)
Package Create Date: 2017-01-21
Package Last Update: 2017-12-11
Language: CSS
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-05 03:06:46
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 58
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 0
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0

# getrealt-quarx

An instant real estate website / portal. Fully integrated with listings fed directly from your MLS, with the ability to generate your own leads!

Live Demo at: (http://www.getrealt.com)

Help Documentation at: (http://help.getrealt.com)

Table of Contents

Compatibility Guide

| Laravel Version | Package Tag | |-----------------|-------------| | 5.5.x | 1.1.x | | 5.4.x | 1.0.x |


Automated Install From Scratch

A command line install tool that will install everything from scratch is available for download at; https://github.com/timitek/getrealt-manager

Manually adding to an existing project

Manual installation requires a configured Laravel installation with Quarx and GetRETS.

Step 1: Install Laravel (https://laravel.com/docs/).

Step 2: Install Quarx (https://github.com/YABhq/Quarx#installation).

Step 3: Install GetRealT for Quarx

composer require timitek/getrealt-quarx

alternatively, for the latest bleeding edge development version use

composer require timitek/getrealt-quarx:dev-master --dev

Note: For Laravel 5.4 and older it is necessary to add the following to the providers section within config/app.php.


Make GetRealT the active Quarx theme by modifying the config/quarx.php and changing the value for the frontend-theme.

'frontend-theme' => '../../vendor/timitek/getrealt-quarx/resources/views/theme'

Publish all of the assets with the following commands.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Timitek\GetRETS\Providers\GetRETSServiceProvider" --tag=config --force

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Timitek\GetRealT\Providers\GetRealTServiceProvider" --tag=config --force

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Timitek\GetRealT\Providers\GetRealTServiceProvider" --tag=public --force

Step 5: Configure your site.

All of these settings can be configured directly from the quarx admin dashboard once your website is up and running from the GetRealT menu at /quarx/getrealt/settings. However you may also manually modify the settings within the .env file.

.env file note: If you modify the .env file directly, any values within the .env file that have spaces in them must be wrapped in double quotes ""

Map note: In order to display the maps on the listing details pages, obtain a google maps API key https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key

Add values for the following settings to your .env file.

GETRETS_CUSTOMER_KEY = the customer key provided to you by timitek.com

GETREALT_SITE_NAME = What is the name you would like to use in the sites banner as the site name?

GETREALT_THEME = What is the initial theme you would like to use for the site?

GETREALT_MAPS_KEY = What is your google maps api key? https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key

GETREALT_LEADS_EMAIL = What e-mail address do you want your leads sent too?

GETREALT_MAPS_KEY=(Your Google maps API Key)

Further Information

For further documentation and information visit http://www.getrealt.com and http://help.getrealt.com or contact timitek at http://www.timitek.com/getrealt. If you are interested in managed hosting / installation, visit https://www.timitek.net.

Technonology Stack

PHP Web Framework: Laravel (https://www.laravel.com/)

Content Management Library: Quarx (https://quarxcms.com/)

Listing Integration: The Laravel module is provided by getrets-laravel (https://github.com/timitek/getrets-laravel)

Cloud based RETS listing data API: GetRETS (http://www.timitek.com/) - A customer key is required for listing integration