ElijahGM / laravel-tooma by Esofts

Send and receive SMS anywhere in the world using our web services
Package Data
Maintainer Username: Esofts
Maintainer Contact: elijah@tooma.co.ke (Elijah Mwangi)
Package Create Date: 2017-06-13
Package Last Update: 2017-06-15
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-27 15:14:19
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 19
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 0
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0


Send and receive SMS anywhere in the world using Tooma web services

Integrate TOOMA SMS API with Laravel

Laravel package to provide ntegration for TOOMA SMS service


Require this package with composer:

composer require tooma/laravel-sms-api

Once the package is added, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php:


Once done, publish the config to your config folder using:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tooma\Laravel\Api\Providers\ToomaServiceProvider"


Once the config file is published, open config/tooma-api.php

Edit config

Edit default configuration such as

apiKey : Your API key provider by Tooma

defaultSSLPath : Default path to ssl certificate if using a different certificate from default one

defaultSenderName : Default sender name defaults to TOOMA_SMS (in Kenya)


Retrive ApiKey

Once you get your API key, add it to the config/tooma-api.php config file, please note you only run this function once, you can also get your API key by going to tooma.co.ke > settings > api

         // Logic when Login is successfull
         $apiKey = $response->data->token;

          // Logic on Error 

Sending Message

Sending SMS is as easy as just

	   ['to'=>'+254XXXXXXXXX','message'=>'Greetings from Tooma'],
         // Logic sending is successfull

          // Logic on Error 

Sending Bulk Messages

Sending multiple message

	   ['to'=>'+254XXXXXXXXX','message'=>'Dear XXX Greetings from Tooma'],
	   ['to'=>'+254YYYYYYYYY','message'=>'Dear YYY Greetings from Tooma'],
        // Logic sending is successfull

         // Logic on Error 

Retrive All Messages

Retrieve Message Status

Get account balancce

Getting balance just call balance as follows

         // Logic sending is successfull
          echo "Your balance is $response->data->balance";

          // Logic on Error 

Send Message from CSV files

You can also send message from a csv file as follows

 $csvPath = "path/to/your/csv.csv";

         // Logic sending is successfull
          echo "Your balance is $response->data->balance";

          // Logic on Error 
        ->withPhoneColumn('phone') //name of column with phone
        ->withTemplate('Dear :username_column_name your account balance is :balance_column_name')

Working with Message templates

You can also send message from a saved or new templat as follows

$data = [

         // Logic sending is successfull
          echo "Your balance is $response->data->balance";

          // Logic on Error 
      })->withParams(['args1'=>'val']) //extra parametaer
        ->withTemplate('Dear :name your account balance is :balance_column_name') //or you can pass a template id

Schedule Message

You can send SMS at a later stage by enableing schedule, the shedule format follows the cron format

	   ['to'=>'+254XXXXXXXXX','message'=>'Greetings from Tooma'],
        // Logic sending is successfull
         echo "Your balance is $response->data->balance";

         // Logic on Error 


Feel free to post your issues in the issues section.