uniacid / visitor-log by uniacid
forked from JN-Jones/visitor-log

A package for Laravel 4 to log all visitors
Package Data
Maintainer Username: uniacid
Maintainer Contact: admin@jonesboard.de (Jones)
Package Create Date: 2014-05-21
Package Last Update: 2014-05-26
Language: PHP
License: Unknown
Last Refreshed: 2024-09-23 03:08:29
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 3,802
Monthly Downloads: 59
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 2
Total Watchers: 3
Total Forks: 1
Total Open Issues: 0

#Laravel 4 VisitorLog

A package for Laravel 4 to log all visitors

If anyone has any ideas on how to make this framework agnostic, please contact me or open a pull request.


Add uniacid/visitor-log as a requirement to composer.json:

    "require": {
        "uniacid/visitor-log": "dev-master"

Update composer:

$ php composer.phar update

Add the provider to your app/config/app.php:

'providers' => array(



Add the alias to your app/config/app.php:

'aliases' => array(

	'Visitor'		  => 'Uniacid\VisitorLog\Visitor',


Publish migration:

$ php artisan migrate --package=uniacid/visitor-log

(Optional) Publish package config:

$ php artisan config:publish uniacid/visitor-log


  • onlinetime: The time (in minutes) while a visitor is still saved
  • usermodel: Set this to the Auth Provider you're using:
    • Laravel: Visitor-Log will try to get the User with Laravel's Auth Class
    • Sentry: Visitor-Log will try to get the User with Sentry
  • ignore: This is an array of pages that will be ignored by Visitor-Log. Example "admin/online"

##The Visitor Class The Visitor Class is an Eloquent Class but has a few extra methods, which will be explained here.

  • static isOnline($id): Will check whether the user with $id is online
  • static getCurrent(): Will get the current Visitor (based on their sid)
  • static clear(): Buggy!! This removes all old visitors from the Database. You normally don't need to call this as this happens on every request.
  • static loggedIn(): Will get all logged in Users
  • static guests(): Will get all guests
  • static findUser($id): Will get the User provided by $id (if online)
  • static findIp($ip): Will get all visitors with $ip
  • isUser(): Checks whether this visitor is a User
  • isGuest(): Checks whether this visitor is a Guest

There are a few methods that wraps the specific Useragent method:

  • is_browser(): Checks whether this visitor uses a browser
  • is_robot(): Checks whether this visitor is a bot
  • is_mobile(): Checks whether this visitor uses a mobile client
  • is_referral(): Checks whether this visitor is a referral

The Visitor Class also provides some attributes:

  • sid: A random String which is used to identicate the visitor
  • ip: The IP of the visitor
  • page: The Page where the visitor is
  • useragent: The useragent of the visitor
  • user: The UserID of the visitor
  • The timestamps (created_at, updated_at)
  • agent: Returns the useragent Instance used for this visitor
  • agents: Returns the modified Agentstring (eg Opera 12.16)
  • platform: Returns the operating System
  • browser: Returns the Browser which is used
  • version: Returns the Browser version which is used
  • robot: Returns the Botname which is browsing your site
  • mobile: Returns the mobile which is used
  • referrer: Returns the referrer

##What's with an "Who's online page"? It's really easy to add one by yourself but Visitor-Log provides you already a very simple one: simply add @include("visitor-log::online") to your blade template where you want. And the best: It's ready to look nice with bootstrap