UniSharp / laravel-jwt by albertcht

A jwt package for reisssuing token purpose based on jwt-auth package.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: albertcht
Maintainer Contact: unisharp-service@unisharp.com (UniSharp Ltd.)
Package Create Date: 2017-11-07
Package Last Update: 2018-09-26
Home Page: https://blog.albert-chen.com/laravel-auto-refresh-jwt/
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-27 15:18:08
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 10,359
Monthly Downloads: 4
Daily Downloads: 1
Total Stars: 36
Total Watchers: 13
Total Forks: 8
Total Open Issues: 2

Laravel JWT

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If you pick Tymon JWTAuth as your jwt solution in your project, when you try to refresh your token, the package will blacklist your exchanged token (assume your blacklist feature is enabled). So when your client faces a concurrency use case, your request might be rejected because that request is sent before your app renews jwt token returned by server. This package caches the refreshed jwt token in a short period to ensure your client side can get correct response even if your request carries an old token in a concurrency case.

Important Change

We change our namespace Unisharp\JWT to UniSharp\JWT


  • Via Composer
composer require unisharp/laravel-jwt
  • Add the Service Provider

In Lumen please use Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\LumenServiceProvider::class,

Next, also in the app.php config file, under the aliases array, you may want to add the JWTAuth facade.

'JWTAuth' => 'Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTAuth',
'JWTFactory' => 'Tymon\JWTAuth\Facades\JWTFactory'

Finally, you will want to publish the config using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\JWTAuthServiceProvider"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="UniSharp\JWT\JWTServiceProvider"

Don't forget to set a secret key in the config file!

$ php artisan jwt:secret

this will generate a new random key, which will be used to sign your tokens.

And you're done!


Open your config/auth.php config file and in place of driver under any of your guards, just add the jwt-auth as your driver and you're all set. Make sure you also set provider for the guard to communicate with your database.

Setup Guard Driver

// config/auth.php
'guards' => [
    'api' => [
        'driver' => 'jwt-auth',
        'provider' => 'users'
    // ...

'providers' => [
    'users' => [
        'driver' => 'eloquent',
        'model'  => App\User::class,

Middleware Usage

Middleware protecting the route:

Route::get('api/content', ['middleware' => 'laravel.jwt', 'uses' => 'ContentController@content']);

Middleware protecting the controller:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

class ContentController extends Controller
    public function __construct() 

This middleware will automatically refresh jwt token if the existing one has been expired. The new refreshed jwt token will be carried to the response header: Ahthorization. The client side needs to replace your expired jwt token with the new one.

Note: The above example assumes you've setup a guard with the name api whose driver is jwt-auth in your config/auth.php file as explained in "Setup Guard Driver" section above.

The following usage examples assume you've setup your default auth guard to the one which uses the jwt-auth driver.

You can also explicitly define the guard before making calls to any of methods by just prefixing it with Auth::guard('api').

Example: Auth::guard('api')->user()

Attempt To Authenticate And Return Token

// This will attempt to authenticate the user using the credentials passed and returns a JWT Auth Token for subsequent requests.
$token = Auth::attempt(['email' => 'user@domain.com', 'password' => '123456']);

Authenticate Once By ID

if(Auth::onceUsingId(1)) {
    // Do something with the authenticated user

Authenticate Once By Credentials

if(Auth::once(['email' => 'user@domain.com', 'password' => '123456'])) {
    // Do something with the authenticated user

Validate Credentials

if(Auth::validate(['email' => 'user@domain.com', 'password' => '123456'])) {
    // Credentials are valid

Check User is Authenticated

if(Auth::check()) {
    // User is authenticated

Check User is a Guest

if(Auth::guest()) {
    // Welcome guests!

Logout Authenticated User

Auth::logout(); // This will invalidate the current token and unset user/token values.

Generate JWT Auth Token By ID

$token = Auth::generateTokenById(1);

echo $token;

Get Authenticated User

Once the user is authenticated via a middleware, You can access its details by doing:

$user = Auth::user();

You can also manually access user info using the token itself:

$user = Auth::setToken('YourJWTAuthToken')->user();

Get Authenticated User's ID

$userId = Auth::id();

Refresh Expired Token

Though it's recommended you refresh using the middlewares provided with the package, but if you'd like, You can also do it manually with this method.

Refresh expired token passed in request:

$token = Auth::refresh();

Refresh passed expired token:


Invalidate Token

Invalidate token passed in request:

$forceForever = false;

Invalidate token by setting one manually:

$forceForever = false;

Get Token

$token = Auth::getToken(); // Returns current token passed in request.

Get Token Payload

This method will decode the token and return its raw payload.

Get Payload for the token passed in request:

$payload = Auth::getPayload();

Get Payload for the given token manually:

$payload = Auth::setToken('TokenToGetPayload')->getPayload();