uno-de-piera / simplecaptcha by unodepiera

simplecaptcha package for laravel 4
Package Data
Maintainer Username: unodepiera
Maintainer Contact: (unodepiera)
Package Create Date: 2013-08-17
Package Last Update: 2013-12-11
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: Unknown
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-09 15:05:53
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 118
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 0
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 2

Simple Captcha for Laravel 4


	"require": {
	    "laravel/framework": "4.0.*",
	    "unodepiera/simplecaptcha": "dev-master"
	"minimum-stability": "dev"

Update your packages with composer update or install with composer install.


Find the providers key in app/config/app.php and register the Captcha Service Provider.

	'providers' => array(

Find the aliases key in app/config/app.php.

	'aliases' => array(
        'Simplecaptcha'  => 'Unodepiera\Simplecaptcha\Facades\Simplecaptcha',

Publish assets with this command.

$ php artisan asset:publish unodepiera/simplecaptcha

Options captcha

You can set the following options for the captcha.

	$defaultOptions = array(
		"font"			=>	"PT_Sans-Web-Regular.ttf",
		"width" 		=> 	250,
		"height" 		=> 	140,
		"font_size" 	=> 	25,
		"length" 		=> 	6,
		"num_lines" 	=> 	"",
		"num_circles" 	=> 	"",
		"text"			=>	"",
		"expiration"	=>	600,
		"directory"		=>	"packages/unodepiera/simplecaptcha/captcha/",
		"dir_fonts"		=>	"packages/unodepiera/simplecaptcha/fonts/",
		"type"			=>	"alpha",
		"bg_color"		=>	"181,181,181",
		"border_color"	=>	"0,0,0"
  • Font: type font for captcha, view folder public/fonts.
  • Num_lines: number lines you would for captcha.
  • Num_circles: number circles you would for captcha.
  • Expiration: number of seconds it will take to be removed captchas.
  • Directory: folder on save captchas.
  • Dir_fonts: directory on save the fonts.
  • Type: alpha or alphanum.

Example Usage

	Route::get("form", function()

		$options = array(
			"width"			=>	280,
			"height" 		=> 	100,
			"font_size" 	=> 	28,
			"length" 		=> 	8,
			"num_circles" 	=> 	0,
			"num_lines" 	=> 	4,
			"expiration"	=>  600,
			"bg_color"		=>	"20,20,20"

		$captcha = Simplecaptcha::captcha($options);
		return View::make("form", array("captcha" => $captcha));

	Route::post("process", function()
		$rules =  array('captcha' => array('required', 'captcha'));
	    $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);

	    	echo "fails";


	    	echo "success";

Now you can use the captcha in the view as follows:

        {{ Form::open(array('url' => 'process')) }}
	            {{ $captcha["img"] }}
                {{ Form::label('captcha', 'Captcha') }}
                {{ Form::text('captcha') }}
                {{ Form::submit('Success') }}
            {{ Form::close() }}

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