unstoppablecarl / gate-crasher by unstoppablecarl

Safer Laravel superuser auth
Package Data
Maintainer Username: unstoppablecarl
Maintainer Contact: unstoppablecarlolsen@gmail.com (Carl Olsen)
Package Create Date: 2017-07-18
Package Last Update: 2019-03-06
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-06 03:04:18
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 9
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 4
Total Watchers: 2
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Total Open Issues: 0

Gate Crasher

Safer Laravel superuser auth.

Source Code Latest Version Software License Build Status Coverage Status Total Downloads


Gate Crasher leverages the Laravel Gate::before($beforeCallback) api to authorize superuser abilities skipping the normal Gate ability/policy functionality. When Gate::allows() is called, If the $beforeCallback returns a non-null result that result will be considered the result of the check.

See https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/authorization

See Illuminate\Auth\Access\Gate::before() and Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate::before() in the Laravel framework.


  • PHP >= 5.5.9
  • Laravel >= 5.2


The preferred method of installation is via Packagist and Composer. Run the following command to install the package and add it as a requirement to your project's composer.json:

composer require unstoppablecarl/gate-crasher


A Gate Crasher instance should be registered within the boot() method of a service provider.

Minimal gate crasher setup


use Gate;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate as GateContract;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use UnstoppableCarl\GateCrasher\GateCrasher;

class GateCrasherServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot(GateContract $gate)
        // define a way to identify super users
        $superUserChecker = function ($user) {
            return $user->isSuperUser();

        $gateCrasher = new GateCrasher($superUserChecker);
        $beforeCallback = function ($user, $ability, $args) use ($gateCrasher) {
            return $gateCrasher->before($user, $ability, $args);
        // get Gate instance via boot() dependency injection or app()
        $gate = app(GateContract::class);
        // set before callback to a Gate instance
        // set before callback using facade
        // PRO TIP: use `GateCrasher::register()`
        // to create and set the before callback on a Gate instance for you

The default configuration of a Gate Crasher instance creates the following behavior:


// login a super user
$gate = Gate::withUser($mySuperUser);

// allows ALL non-policy abilities
$gate->allows('foo'); // true

// allows ALL non-Super User policy abilities
$gate->allows('update', $someUser); // true

// denies abilities that target self
$gate->allows('delete', $mySuperUser);

// denies abilities that target other Super Users (even when logged in as a Super User)
$gate->allows('delete', $someOtherSuperUser);

Configuring Abilities


use UnstoppableCarl\GateCrasher\GateCrasher;

$superUserChecker = function ($user) {
    return $user->isSuperUser();

// the default result of any ability checks in the given context
$contextDefaults = [
    // ignored if null, falls back to default Gate::allows() check
    GateCrasher::SUPER_USER__TARGETING__SELF           => null,

    // deny all abilities from non-super users targeting super users
    GateCrasher::SUPER_USER__TARGETING__SUPER_USER     => false,

    // deny all abilities from non-super users targeting super users
    GateCrasher::NON_SUPER_USER__TARGETING__SUPER_USER => false,

// the result of specific ability checks in the given context
$abilityOverrides = [
    // super users can always update but never delete themselves
    GateCrasher::SUPER_USER__TARGETING__SELF           => [
        'update' => true,
        'delete' => false,
        // ...
    // super users can never update or delete other super users
    GateCrasher::SUPER_USER__TARGETING__SUPER_USER     => [
        'update' => false,
        'delete' => false,
        // ...
    // non-super users can never update or delete other super users
        // ignored if null, falls back to $contextDefaults then to Gate::allows() check
        'view'   => null,
        'update' => false,
        'delete' => false,
        // ...

$gateCrasher = new GateCrasher($superUserChecker, $contextDefaults, $abilityOverrides);
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Access\Gate as GateContract;

$gate = app(GateContract::class);


An example service provider is included here:


How It Works

This is an abstract description of how Gate Crasher works. See the source code for exact details.


use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable as AuthenticatableContract;

Gate::allows('foo', $target);

$targetIsUser = $target instanceof AuthenticatableContract;

// allow ANY non-Super User target
// (target can be a User, another Model, or any other value)
if($sourceIsSuperUser && !$targetIsSuperUser){
    return true;

// determine the context
if($sourceIsSuperUser && $targetIsSuperUser){
    $context = GateCrasher::SUPER_USER__TARGETING__SUPER_USER;
else if($sourceIsSuperUser && $targetIsSelf){
    $context = GateCrasher::SUPER_USER__TARGETING__SELF;
else if(!$sourceIsSuperUser && $targetIsSuperUser){
    $context = GateCrasher::NON_SUPER_USER__TARGETING__SUPER_USER;

// check for non-null ability override
$abilityOverrideValue = $abilityOverrides[$context]['foo'];
if ($abilityOverrideValue !== null) {
    return $abilityOverrideValue;

// check for non-null context default
$contextDefaultValue = $contextDefaults[$context];
if($contextDefaultValue !== null){
    return $contextDefaultValue;


// if a policy is registered for $target use the policy
// if an ability callback is registered for 'foo' use the registered callback
// return false;

Running the tests

Run Unit Tests

$ composer phpunit

Run Codesniffer (psr-2)

$ composer phpcs

Run both

$ composer test


Contributions and Pull Requests welcome!

Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details