vemcogroup / laravel-translation by vemcogroup

Translation package for Laravel to scan for localisations and up/download to poeditor
Package Data
Maintainer Username: vemcogroup
Maintainer Contact: (Henrik B Hansen)
Package Create Date: 2019-09-02
Package Last Update: 2025-02-26
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-07 15:03:11
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 223,280
Monthly Downloads: 6,818
Daily Downloads: 303
Total Stars: 132
Total Watchers: 8
Total Forks: 14
Total Open Issues: 0

Laravel Translation

Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads


This package allows you to scan your app for translations and create your *.json file.

It also allows you to upload your base translation to poeditor.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require vemcogroup/laravel-translation

The package will automatically register its service provider.

To publish the config file to config/translation.php run:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Vemcogroup\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider"

This is the default contents of the configuration:

return [

    | Base Language
    | Here you may specify which of language is your base language.
    | The base language select will be created as json file when scanning.
    | It will also be the file it reads and uploads to POEditor.

    'base_language' => 'en',

    | Functions
    | Here you define an array describing all the function names to scan files for.

    'functions' => ['__'],
    | Excluded directories
    | Here you define which directories are excluded from scan.
    'excluded_directories' => ['vendor', 'storage', 'public'],
    | Extensions
    | Here you define an array describing all the file extensions to scan through.

    'extensions' => ['*.php', '*.vue'],

    | API Key
    | Here you define your API Key for POEditor.
    | More info:

    'api_key' => env('POEDITOR_API_KEY'),

    | Project Id
    | Here you define the project Id to upload / download from.

    'project_id' => env('POEDITOR_PROJECT_ID'),

If you want to use upload / download to poeditor features, you need to create a your base_language in poeditor.


You are now able to use the translation commands scan/upload/download or create-js

Scan files

To scan your project for translations run this command:

php artisan translation:scan {--merge : Whether the job should overwrite or merge new translations keys}

The command creates your base_language .json file in /resources/lang

Upload translations

To upload your translation terms to poeditor run this command:

php artisan translation:upload {--scan : Whether the job should scan before uploading}

Download translation languages

To download languages from poeditor run this command:

php artisan translation:download

Create JS language files

To create public JS files run this command:

php artisan translation:create-js {--download : Download language files before creating js}

You are now able to access all your languages as window.i18n from /public/lang when you include the .js file

<script src="/build/lang/en.js"></script>

System translations

If you want to translate system translations change the terms in eg /resources/lang/en/auth.php


'throttle' => 'Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds.',


'throttle' => __('Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds.'),

Then it will be scanned and included in the synced terms.