wladislavk / SymfonyWebUploader by wladislavk

PHP library that simplifies file uploading process to external APIs
Package Data
Maintainer Username: wladislavk
Maintainer Contact: wladislav.k@gmail.com (Vladislav Kryshtanovskiy)
Package Create Date: 2016-08-08
Package Last Update: 2017-03-23
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-04 15:00:49
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 129
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 0
Total Watchers: 2
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0


This small library (not a bundle!) simplifies uploading files to an external resource via an API. Since version 1.2, this library depends on Symfony.

This library does not do anything by itself, it is designed to be extended by other bundles or libraries.


Nothing to install here, really.


In Symfony projects

First, you need to create a concrete service implementation of AbstractUploader class. This service needs to have a single method called upload() that does not accept arguments and by convention should return $this.

Here are the properties that can be accessed from inside that method:

  • $this->file - Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File object acting as a handler for original file
  • $this->uploadURL - full path to the remote destination folder without trailing slash
  • $this->filename - the name that will be given for your newly uploaded file - see name changers

If you register this service inside Symfony service container, you will need to install VKRSettingsBundle and add it as an argument to services.yml:

    class: AppBundle\MyUploader
        - "@vkr_settings.settings_retriever"

Then, you will need to create three settings either as parameters or inside your DB:

  • allowed_upload_types - an array of MIME types
  • allowed_upload_size - max size in bytes that can be uploaded
  • a setting with arbitrary name with full URL to remote destination folder, with or without trailing slash

See VKRSettingsBundle manual on how settings can be defined.

Here is how you access this service from your controller:

$file = new Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File('path/to/file/filename');

Here checkIfSuccessful() checks if the uploaded file exists, has same size and MIME type as the original file and throws exception on error.

If you want to disable checks for size and MIME type, you can call:

$uploader->setFile($file, null, false);

Name changers

The second argument to setFile() is a name changer object. It defines what name will the new file have. If no name changer is present, the new file will have the same name as the original. Name changers must implement NameChangerInterface.

Suppose that you want all files to be renamed with current Unix timestamps, in this case your name changer will look like this:

class MyNameChanger implements VKR\SymfonyWebUploader\Interfaces\NameChangerInterface
    public function changeName($originalFilename)
        return time();

    public function setParameters(array $parameters)

Then in your controller:

$nameChanger = new MyNameChanger();
$uploader->setFile($file, $nameChanger);

You do not need to create a name changer if your file was just uploaded by a client and you want to keep the client filename in this case the default new name will correspond to the client filename, not to the PHP temporary name.

Outside of Symfony

Things are not that different outside of Symfony, however you cannot use VKRSettingsBundle and must pass your settings as an array:

$settings = [
    'allowed_upload_size' => 10000,
    'allowed_upload_types' => ['image/jpeg, 'image/png'],
    'upload_dir' => 'http://my-upload-domain.com/upload-folder/',
$uploader = new VKR\SymfonyWebUploader\Uploader(null, $settings);

Also, if you are forwarding a file that was just uploaded from a form, you need to initialize it manually:

$file = new Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['file']['name']);