XetaIO / Xetaravel-Mentions by Xety

A package to parse a @mention from a text and mention the user with a notification.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: Xety
Maintainer Contact: zoro.fmt@gmail.com (Xety)
Package Create Date: 2017-05-27
Package Last Update: 2024-05-18
Home Page: https://xetaravel.com
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-02-28 15:16:34
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 263,283
Monthly Downloads: 14,866
Daily Downloads: 318
Total Stars: 54
Total Watchers: 3
Total Forks: 22
Total Open Issues: 1

|Travis|Coverage|Stable Version|Downloads|Laravel|License| |:-------:|:------:|:-------:|:------:|:-------:|:-------:| |Build Status|Coverage Status|Latest Stable Version|Total Downloads|Laravel 5.6|License|

A package to parse @mentions from a text and mention the user with a notification.

By default this package is configured to parse any text type and it will replace any matched @mention with a markdown link ([@Mention](/users/profile/@Mention)) if the mentionned user exist in the database. It will also send a notification with the Laravel Notifiable trait to all mentionned users. (Inspired from the laravel-mentions package.)

Quick example :

Input text :

  Lorem ipsu @admin crepu @Member quis nostrud @UserDoesNotExist ullamcorper fail@mention nostrud @admin.

Output text :

Lorem ipsu [@Admin](/users/profile/@Admin) crepu [@Member](/users/profile/@Member) quis nostrud
@UserDoesNotExist ullamcorper fail@mention nostrud [@Admin](/users/profile/@Admin).

And Both Admin and Member users will be notified. But Admin will be notified only one time. (Yes the Parser include an anti-spam rule.)

Table of Contents




composer require xetaio/xetaravel-mentions


Import the MentionServiceProvider in your config/app.php:

'providers' => [

Vendor Publish

Publish the vendor files to your application (included the config file config/mentions.php and the migration file) :

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Xetaio\Mentions\Providers\MentionServiceProvider"

Then migrate the database :

php artisan migrate



return [
    'pools' => [
        // Here you configure as many pools as you want. But basically we
        // notify only the Users.
        'users' => [
            // Model that will be mentioned.
            'model' => App\Models\User::class,

            // The column that will be used to search the model by the parser.
            'column' => 'username',

            // The route used to generate the user link.
            'route' => '/users/profile/@',

            // Notification class to use when this model is mentioned.
            'notification' => App\Notifications\MentionNotification::class,


First, you will need to add the HasMentionTrait to the mentioner Model :

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Xetaio\Mentions\Models\Traits\HasMentionsTrait;

class Comment extends Model
    use HasMentionsTrait;

Now, you can start to parse a text in your controller or where you want :

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Xetaio\Mentions\Parser\MentionParser;

class CommentController extends Controller
     public function create(Request $request)
         // Handle the comment creation however you like
         $comment = Comment::create($request->all());

         // Register a new Parser and parse the content.
         $parser = new MentionParser($comment);
         $content = $parser->parse($comment->content);

          * Re-assign the parsed content and save it.
          * Note : If you use a custom Parser and you don't modify
          * the `$content` in your custom Parser, you can ignore that.
         $comment->content = $content;

And that's all ! At least with the default configuration. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Parser configuration

The MentionParser take a second parameter who is a configuration array, this is the default configuration :


     // The pool used with the parser.
     'pool' => 'users',

     // If `false`, the parser won't mention the user.
     'mention' => true,

      * If `false` the parser won't notify the user.
      * Note : If the `mention` option is set to `false`, this setting is ignored.
     'notify' => true,

      * The character that will trigger the mention.
      * Note : If you modify this setting, you will also need to modify
      * the `regex_replacement.{character}` option to match this setting.
     'character' => '@',

     // The regex used to parse the mentions.
     'regex' => '/\s({character}{pattern}{rules})/',

      * The replacement used to replace the regex pattarn.
      * Can be usefull if you want to allow a special character in the mention like `_` or `-`
      * or pass dynamic value to the regex.
      * Note : The parse use the PHP function `strtr` to replace the pattarn in the regex.
     'regex_replacement' => [
         '{character}'  => '@',
         '{pattern}'  => '[A-Za-z0-9]',
         '{rules}'  => '{4,20}'

The configuration is merged with the default configuration, so you can set only the options that you want to modify. Exemple :


$parser = new MentionParser($comment, [
    'pool' => 'members',
    'notify' => false

You can also set a configuration at the runtime :


$parser = new MentionParser($comment);
$parser->setOption('notify', false);
$content = $parser->parse($comment->content);

Or even get a configuration option value :


$value = $parser->getOption('notify');
// false

Parser configuration methods :

The parser use the Xety/Configurator package to manage the configuration. Check this repository to get all the methods and their description.

|Function Name|Description| | --- | --- | |setConfig(array $config)|Sets a configuration array.(Will replace all configuration options be carefull)| |getConfig()|Get all the configuration options.| |setOption(string $name, $value)|Set a value for the given key.| |getOption(string $name)|Get a configuration value.| |hasOption(string $name)|Determines if current instance has the given option.| |mergeConfig(array $values, bool $invert = false)|Merges configuration values with the new ones. If the $invert param is set to true it will merge the default configuration into the $values.|

Custom Parser

If you want more flexibility for the Parser, the best way is to create a new Parser and overwrite the methods that you want to modify. For an example, let's create a new Parser that will return a HTML link instead of a Markdown link :

namespace App\Parser;

use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Xetaio\Mentions\Parser\MentionParser;

class CustomParser extends MentionParser

    protected function replace(array $match): string
        $character = $this->getOption('character');
        $mention = Str::title(str_replace($character, '', trim($match[0])));

        $route = config('mentions.pools.' . $this->getOption('pool') . '.route');

        $link = $route . $mention;

        // Here we return a HTML link instead of the default Markdown.
        return " <a class=\"link\" href=\"{$link} \">{$character}{$mention}</a>";

To use it :


$parser = new \App\Parser\CustomParser($comment);
$content = $parser->parse($comment->content);

You can of course overwrite all Parser's methods if you need to.


You will need to write your own Notififation class, but I'm cool with you, you can find an example here using the delivery channel database :

namespace App\Notifications;

use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;

class MentionNotification extends Notification
    use Queueable;

     * The Comment instance.
     * @var \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
    public $model;

     * Create a new notification instance.
     * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model
    public function __construct($model)
        $this->model = $model;

     * Get the notification's delivery channels.
     * @param mixed $notifiable
     * @return array
    public function via($notifiable): array
        return ['database'];

     * Get the array representation of the notification.
     * @param mixed $notifiable
     * @return array
    public function toDatabase($notifiable): array
        // The instance `$this->model` represent the `Comment` model.
        $username = $this->model->user->username;
        $modelId = $this->model->getKey();

        $message = "<strong>@{ $username }</strong> has mentionned your name in his comment !";

        // You could (and probably should) use a route name here with the function `route()`.
        $link = "/comment/show/{ $modelId }";

        return [
            'message' => $message,
            'link' => $link,
            'type' => 'mention'


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