zachleigh / laravel-laundromat by zachleigh

Clean up objects before sending them client-side.
Package Data
Maintainer Username: zachleigh
Maintainer Contact: (Zach Leigh)
Package Create Date: 2016-07-24
Package Last Update: 2017-01-30
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2025-03-04 15:05:34
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 20
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Total Stars: 2
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Total Open Issues: 1

Laravel Laundromat

Latest Stable Version License Build Status SensioLabsInsight Quality Score StyleCI

Take your objects to the cleaners before sending them clientside.

This package gives you an easy way to filter your objects to remove sensitve data before sending them client-side.



Our user migration looks like this:

Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {


And our User model looks like this:

class User extends Model
    protected $casts = [
        'birthday' => 'date'

    public function family()
        return $this->belongsTo(Family::class);

    public function readableBirthday()
        return $this->birthday->toFormattedDateString();

We obviously don't want to send sensitive data like social_security_number to the front end where it would be viewable by anybody. Maybe we only want to expose username from the user model and then last_name on the related family model. Also, we want to use the value returned from the readableBirthday() method on the model.

First, make a new Cleaner class. The naming convention is 'Clean' plus the name of the model:

php artisan laundromat:create CleanUser

This will give you an empty cleaner class in app/Cleaners. Simply register allowed properties in the allowed array and register any methods you wish to run in methods. Use dot syntax to indicate properties/methods on relationships.

class CleanUser extends Cleaner
     * Properties allowed on the clean object.
     * @var array
    protected $allowed = [

     * Methods to run. Returned value will be stored as a snake case property
     * on the clean object.
     * @var array
    protected $methods = [

Use the Washable trait in your User model.

use LaravelLaundromat\Washable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
    use Washable;

Then call the clean() method on a User object to get a CleanUser instance.

$user = User::find(1);

$clean = $user->clean();


// App\Cleaners\CleanUser {
//  "username" => "bettylou"
//  "family" => LaravelLaundromat\EmptyCleaner {
//    "last_name" => "McGraw"
//  }
//  "readable_birthday" => "Jul 15, 1985"

Or, use the Collection macro clean():

$users = User::all(); // $users is a collection

$clean = $users->clean(); // All User objects in the collection are now CleanUser objects

Pass clean() (either the normal method or the collection macro) an optional cleaner name to override default behavior.

$user = User::find(1);

$clean = $user->clean('App/MyDirectory/MyCustomCleaner'); // $clean is now an instance of MyCustomCleaner

Or, add the property defaultCleaner to the model to permanently set override the conventional behavior.

class User extends Model
    use Washable;

    protected $defaultCleaner = MyCustomCleaner::class;

Upgrade Information

From 1.1.* to 1.2.0

Version 1.2.0 adds Laravel 5.4 support. For Laravel 5.3, please use Version 1.1.0:

composer require zachleigh/laravel-laundromat:1.1.*
From 1.0.* to 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0 adds Laravel 5.3 support. For Laravel 5.2, please use Version 1.0.2:

composer require zachleigh/laravel-laundromat:1.0.*


Install via composer:

composer require zachleigh/laravel-laundromat

Register the service provider in config/app.php:

'providers' => [


Contributions are more than welcome. Fork, improve, add tests, and make a pull request.