Packages by Maintainer: weotch

11 package result(s)
    Package Name Maintainer Description Downloads Stars Watchers Started Last Update Tags
    weotch Wraps MtHaml for ease use in Laravel 41,729 45 14 2013-11-15 2020-12-30
    weotch Pug view adapter for Laravel 61,162 159 7 2016-07-19 2023-12-17
    weotch Image thumbnail creation through specially formatted URLs for Laravel 432,794 498 30 2012-10-01 2024-09-30
    weotch A trait for Laravel Eloquent models that lets you clone of a model and it's relationships, including files. 1,421,832 471 16 2015-07-24 2024-10-01
    weotch Automatically publish all Laravel workbench assets on every request 25,154 2 10 2013-10-19 2014-06-26
    weotch A powerful form builder 3,358 1 2 2012-09-28 2017-04-07
    weotch A simple, automatic handler of file uploads for Laravel's Eloquent models using using Flysystem. 13,351 22 3 2015-03-30 2022-01-19
    weotch Generate styled logs of Laravel 4 requests that include application timing, memory usage, input data, and sql queries 20,506 30 5 2013-01-07 2017-04-04
    weotch Tools for integrating Laravel apps with CodebaseHQ features 10,419 4 10 2012-09-26 2017-09-13
    weotch Using Laravel, creates cached versions of full pages that can be served directly by Apache 693 9 4 2013-08-25 2014-07-25
    weotch A Laravel model-based CMS by Bukwild 3,206 304 25 2017-01-03 2023-09-05